No one can hear you

My fingers tips run over the fragments of red paint still clinging to the railing. Chips flutter to the ground after my hands gently run over it. It feels like all the heat is being pulled from my hand, lingering where I had once traced, begging for me to come back.

Darkness surrounding everything except for one spot light across from me. Rain falls lightly in the distant street lamp like the first soft snow of the year. Silence is as vast as the darkness.
There is nothing here but you and me.
Your eyes like deep oceans being twisted by hurricanes; Turbulent and unforgiving. My soul aches to dive in and find the survivor somewhere within that has given up on hope. I scream out for you but there no response. 
Tempestuous heart jumps.
Take a deep breath and go under. I hold on to everything around me for safety, there is no one to rescue me when I get lost. Where are you?

Creative Writing- Dragons and Princesses

I’ve watched her grow up, as far back as I can remember. She was given to me to protect from all the wicked and evils that linger in the world. I  watched her fall asleep every night. Those big eyes looking up to me, examining my face for comfort, before those long eye lashes fluttered her away to dream land. Her laugh that echoed through the house like music spilling in your ears and filling your heart.
Before long she began exploring the world around her. Curiosity over took her just as she took her first step; Stumbling and then running into what she didn’t know. Climbing into the world one hand at a time whether it was ready for her or not.
She needed protected from herself.
I carefully guided her and showed her where she could not go. Where it was dangerous and what could scare her. As she grew older, her hatred towards me grew too; Always feeling like that I kept her there as a prisoner; Always hoping one day she would get rescued from someone like me; Always feeling like there was more to the world than what I offered her.
She was whisked off one day by a boy who said he came to rescue her from the cruel world she lived in and my heart shattered because I had given her everything, every part of me. She ran away that day and left everything that i gave her piled in the floor like it was trash; Leaving me lying over it all with my heart shattered around me.
She couldn’t see it but sometimes the Dragon falls in love with the Princess.

Creative Writing- Together

   I never understood why no one ever liked him. To me he is the best in the world. He always is full of surprises and brings something new for me every time that we met. He comes at you full force which is why I assume a lot of people never liked him. He isn’t shy about showing up and being there either. He knows where he was supposed to be and makes sure that he was known when he arrives like the youngest child of a large family would.
   His brother will sneak in lazily behind him. He never wants to be noticed but when he is, he is always welcome where ever he goes. He brings an attitude that he is warm and laid back. Everyone wants to be around him because life is just so relaxed and not rushed. He’s like the guy you see on the subway with his earbuds in just enjoying the music.
   Their sister wants to have the most attention because she is stuck in the middle. She craves to have people want her around. She doesn’t have a certain group that she belongs to and that bothers her. Although that led her to have a peculiar group of friends that she did love.  She’s like the moments between the thunder and lightening.
   Their older sister is the person you could run to if you wanted to lay in bed and watch movies all day. She isn’t particularly interested in being with other people and wants to keep to herself but welcomes anyone that wants to hang out with her and do nothing. She’s like the feeling of getting to sit in an empty theater and watch a movie that you have been wanting to see.
   Their oldest brothers are twins and love to mess around and have fun. They are always getting into trouble and finding ways to create mischief. They love being around people and people love being around them. They are the life of the party. They’re like when you are driving down the highway with all the windows open and the music blaring.
   Finally, their eldest sister is the perfect one. She has a way of bringing ease to everything that she does and it makes everyone around her relax with any situation. She is always trying to push boundaries and over achieving all that she sets her mind to. She is like a warm beach on a summer day. She is graceful with everything that she does.

Hope y’all got the reference in this! If you didn’t give it a few guesses. Did you get it yet? This is about each of the weekdays starting with Monday. Hope you enjoyed!

Just say it

Ever have those days that when you have to interact with someone and you just want to slip in a, ‘Oh hey, just in case you don’t know, I sorta hate you.’ I can’t even begin to explain how much my blood boils when I have to talk to this person. Almost every single time I have to speak with this person I get angry. It’s a pity party because we don’t have life together and its a my life stinks but I can’t do that. You know, if you would act like an adult and do what you are supposed to do then, oh i dunno, it might benefit you more than you would think.
Let me explain the life of an average adult. You have problems that, weirdly enough, come with  life and everyone has to struggle through. Literally every person on this planet is struggling with problems. Oh your problems and worries are greater than anyone else? That is insane and one of the biggest lie I’ve ever. You have problems just like I do, just like my neighbor does, as did my great great grandmother, and the small Indonesian woman does. We may not have the same problems but there is almost guarantee that you and I are in the same stress level about what ever issue is causing pressure in each of our lives. 
I let said person have a piece of my mind and said exactly what I feel about this issue. Not only is this person cause stressing in their own life but it is causing me a great deal of stress trying to deal with their incompetence that pours over into my life. Generally, I think I am a pretty nice person and try to help out as much as I can with everyone. Once you let me down so many times I stop trying to get involved in your life. That’s just all there is to it. Show me that you are committed as I am and things run steady.
All I can say is you bring this on yourself when you only worry about yourself. Help thy neighbor they say. I do until my neighbor can’t look at me or even sprinkle a little water my way. Then I move and it all gets left behind.